geomosaic gather


This is an optional command that allows to create table [obs x samples] based on the obtained results of the executed workflows. It is avalaible only for some specific packages

geomosaic gather --help
usage: geomosaic gather -s SETUP_FILE [-f GATHER_FOLDER] [-p PACKAGES] [-u] [-h]

DESCRIPTION: This command is useful to gather all the results obtained from your workflow and create tables and data that are ready to use for downstream analysis.

Required Arguments:
  -s SETUP_FILE, --setup_file SETUP_FILE
                        Geomosaic setup file created from the geomosaic setup ... command.

Optional Arguments:
  -f GATHER_FOLDER, --gather_folder GATHER_FOLDER
                        Path where geomosaic can create the directory for gathering. Without any input, as default the folder 'gm_gathering' is created by
                        default in the working directory of Geomosaic.
  -p PACKAGES, --packages PACKAGES
                        a comma separated list of packages. Check the available packages in the section below. If you want to execute gather for specific
                        packages you can use this option as: --packages mifaser,kaiju,mags_gtdbtk,mags_dram.
  -u, --unit            Execute geomosaic gather considering the UNIT config file.

Available packages for Gathering:
  - mifaser
  - kaiju
  - kraken2
  - eggnog_mapper
  - recognizer
  - hmms_search
  - mags_gtdbtk
  - mags_recognizer
  - mags_dram
  - mags_hmmsearch
  - coverm_genome

Help Arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


This command has both required and optional arguments.


    • (-s) Specifiy the name of the Geomosaic config file, obtained with the setup command.


    • (-f) The path where Geomosaic can create the gather folder called gm_gathering. Without any inputs, it will be created in the Geomosaic wdir.

    • (-p) With this option, the user can specify as a comma separated list (without spaces) the packages of interest to create the gathering tables. Without any inputs, Geomosaic will execute gather for all the available packages.

    • (-u) This option is necessary if you want to execute the gather command taking into consideration the packages chosen in the config_unit.yaml file.

Example usage geomosaic gather

Executing the gathering for all the available packages

geomosaic gather -s gmsetup_exp2023.yaml

Executing the gathering only for some packages and specifying the folder where to create the gather directory

geomosaic gather -s gmsetup_exp2023.yaml \
  -p kaiju,mifaser,coverm_genome \
  -f /home/davide/geomosaic_test/